Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Something for the fellas

Mulan: for Kids

Another cool production from TOAD.  Another cool opportunity do so something a little different.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Burton, Burton, where art thou, Tim Burton?

TOAD theater was looking for a way to dust of ol' Romeo and Juliet for the kids.  Something to get everyone excited about the Bard's most famous tragedy.  In a drunken black out I believe I suggested Halloweentown vs Winter - allowing the kids to play out "Nightmare Before Christmas" to Shakespeare.  Once committed, I had to give them a poster that could really sell the concept of the show.  This ought to confuse the local Librarians!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This town ain't big enough for the both of us!

The latest production from TOAD - a Western Melodrama.  Having too much fun on these.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Peter Pan

Man, oh man, I wish I could show everyone all the cool stuff I'm working on these days, but it's super top secret, so I'll have to wait until this fall. In the meantime, I have a scant few pieces to post. That said, there are some great pieces coming like this one!  Check out the latest poster for TOAD (Theater of Arts Dicipline). They wanted whimsical to match their awesome playground-like set. Such fun to switch styles around.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's Automatic, it's Systematic, it's Hydromatic...

Why it's a quickie poster for a production of Grease (who can pass that up), put together by my sister's family. I love different challenges throughout the workday. It's hard to tell from the small reproduction here but the final poster has a lot of digital wear and tear on it. Can't wait to see how this prints up.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hellbound for Vegas

This quick sketch could easily be the antithesis of everything I believe in; shooting guns wildly, animal carnage, wasting perfectly good whiskey, leather fringe, Vegas...and yet combined - kinda cool. Inspired by nothing in particular and everything I've been drinking.