Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Arm like a tornado...

Like this recent drawing for a client, I'm working like mad, but keeping the light at the end of tunnel in sight. Since the move to New York it's all about getting the balance right. So far, so good. Very good. So much cool stuff coming down the pike, I'll probably be posting a lot more often.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Does anyone else smell...Turtles?

Here's just a sneak peak at one of the 99 things I'm up to right at the moment. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I think I've worked on every season since they started back up (my 1st boss Chuck Patton was the founding director of the new series). !

It's always fun to play in the Turtle pond, and this latest season is really great. New toys, new worlds and best of all...a new title, which I'm working on as well! I can't show you anything yet, but stay tuned, because when it's done, it's going to be less of an opening and more of a RIDE

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

YouTube me and Smile.

A little while back I did some work for one of my favorite clients; Copacino & Fujikado. We did some work on a campaign for Washinton Dental. Well now you can see how a little drawing can go a long way. I've posted pics from the pitches (2 that got made and 2 that I just liked the images) and the advertisements that came from them.

Now go brush your bicuspids!